Tutorial How to find GetInaccuracy Index

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    Jul 17, 2005
            How to get the GetInaccuracy Index:
            string search: "whiteAdditive" and xref it
            Note: v2 = vtable
            .text:105EEA6B 68 D0 D7 B8 10                          push    offset aWhiteadditive ; "whiteAdditive"
            .text:105EEA70 B9 F4 C5 CE 10                          mov     ecx, offset byte_10CEC5F4
            .text:105EEA75 E8 06 79 CB FF                          call    sub_102A6380
            .text:105EEA7A                         ; 229:                 if ( v7 )
            .text:105EEA7A 85 C0                                   test    eax, eax
            .text:105EEA7C 74 0C                                   jz      short loc_105EEA8A
            .text:105EEA7E                         ; 230:                   v2[3260] = *(float *)(v7 + 136);
            .text:105EEA7E 8B 80 88 00 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+88h]
            .text:105EEA84 89 86 F0 32 00 00                       mov     [esi+32F0h], eax
            .text:105EEA8A                         ; 232:               if ( ((int (__thiscall *)(void ***))off_10D0B178[13])(&off_10D0B178) || *((_BYTE *)v4 + 41865) )
            .text:105EEA8A                         loc_105EEA8A:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_105EE840+229↑j
            .text:105EEA8A                                                                 ; sub_105EE840+23C↑j
            .text:105EEA8A A1 78 B1 D0 10                          mov     eax, off_10D0B178
            .text:105EEA8F B9 78 B1 D0 10                          mov     ecx, offset off_10D0B178
            .text:105EEA94 8B 40 34                                mov     eax, [eax+34h]
            .text:105EEA97 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEA99 85 C0                                   test    eax, eax
            .text:105EEA9B 75 2B                                   jnz     short loc_105EEAC8
            .text:105EEA9D 38 87 89 A3 00 00                       cmp     [edi+0A389h], al
            .text:105EEAA3 75 23                                   jnz     short loc_105EEAC8
            .text:105EEAA5                         ; 239:                 (*(void (__stdcall **)(_DWORD))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1522B7EC + 152))(*((_DWORD *)v2 + 3260));
            .text:105EEAA5 8B 0D EC B7 22 15                       mov     ecx, dword_1522B7EC
            .text:105EEAAB FF B6 F0 32 00 00                       push    dword ptr [esi+32F0h]
            .text:105EEAB1                         ; 238:                 v96 = 1;
            .text:105EEAB1 C6 44 24 0C 01                          mov     byte ptr [esp+84h+var_78], 1
            .text:105EEAB6 8B 01                                   mov     eax, [ecx]
            .text:105EEAB8 FF 90 98 00 00 00                       call    dword ptr [eax+98h]
            .text:105EEABE                         ; 240:                 v100 = 200;
            .text:105EEABE C7 44 24 1C C8 00 00 00                 mov     [esp+80h+var_64], 0C8h
            .text:105EEAC6 EB 05                                   jmp     short loc_105EEACD
            .text:105EEAC8                         ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            .text:105EEAC8                         ; 234:                 v96 = 0;
            .text:105EEAC8                         loc_105EEAC8:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_105EE840+25B↑j
            .text:105EEAC8                                                                 ; sub_105EE840+263↑j
            .text:105EEAC8 C6 44 24 08 00                          mov     byte ptr [esp+80h+var_78], 0
            .text:105EEACD                         ; 242:               if ( sub_105F2E80(v2) && !((int (__thiscall *)(void ***))off_10D0B960[13])(&off_10D0B960) )
            .text:105EEACD                         loc_105EEACD:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_105EE840+286↑j
            .text:105EEACD 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEACF E8 AC 43 00 00                          call    sub_105F2E80
            .text:105EEAD4 85 C0                                   test    eax, eax
            .text:105EEAD6 74 30                                   jz      short loc_105EEB08
            .text:105EEAD8 A1 60 B9 D0 10                          mov     eax, off_10D0B960
            .text:105EEADD B9 60 B9 D0 10                          mov     ecx, offset off_10D0B960
            .text:105EEAE2 8B 40 34                                mov     eax, [eax+34h]
            .text:105EEAE5 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEAE7 85 C0                                   test    eax, eax
            .text:105EEAE9 75 1D                                   jnz     short loc_105EEB08
            .text:105EEAEB                         ; 244:                 v8 = sub_105F2E80(v2);
            .text:105EEAEB 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEAED E8 8E 43 00 00                          call    sub_105F2E80
            .text:105EEAF2                         ; 245:                 v9 = sub_105F9240(v8);
            .text:105EEAF2 8B C8                                   mov     ecx, eax
            .text:105EEAF4 E8 47 A7 00 00                          call    sub_105F9240
            .text:105EEAF9                         ; 246:                 v10 = v100;
            .text:105EEAF9 8B 4C 24 1C                             mov     ecx, [esp+80h+var_64]
            .text:105EEAFD                         ; 247:                 if ( v9 )
            .text:105EEAFD 33 D2                                   xor     edx, edx
            .text:105EEAFF 84 C0                                   test    al, al
            .text:105EEB01                         ; 248:                   v10 = 0;
            .text:105EEB01 0F 45 CA                                cmovnz  ecx, edx
            .text:105EEB04                         ; 249:                 v100 = v10;
            .text:105EEB04 89 4C 24 1C                             mov     [esp+80h+var_64], ecx
            .text:105EEB08                         ; 251:               result = (*(int (__thiscall **)(float *))(*(_DWORD *)v2 + 1792))(v2);
            .text:105EEB08                         loc_105EEB08:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_105EE840+296↑j
            .text:105EEB08                                                                 ; sub_105EE840+2A9↑j
            .text:105EEB08 8B 06                                   mov     eax, [esi]
            .text:105EEB0A 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEB0C 8B 80 00 07 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+700h]
            .text:105EEB12 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB14                         ; 252:               if ( result != 15 )
            .text:105EEB14 83 F8 0F                                cmp     eax, 0Fh
            .text:105EEB17 0F 84 76 15 00 00                       jz      loc_105F0093
            .text:105EEB1D                         ; 254:                 result = (*(int (__thiscall **)(float *))(*(_DWORD *)v2 + 1792))(v2);
            .text:105EEB1D 8B 06                                   mov     eax, [esi]
            .text:105EEB1F 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEB21 8B 80 00 07 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+700h]
            .text:105EEB27 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB29                         ; 255:                 if ( result != 12 )
            .text:105EEB29 83 F8 0C                                cmp     eax, 0Ch
            .text:105EEB2C 0F 84 61 15 00 00                       jz      loc_105F0093
            .text:105EEB32                         ; 257:                   result = (*(int (__thiscall **)(float *))(*(_DWORD *)v2 + 1792))(v2);
            .text:105EEB32 8B 06                                   mov     eax, [esi]
            .text:105EEB34 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEB36 8B 80 00 07 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+700h]
            .text:105EEB3C FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB3E                         ; 258:                   if ( result != 17 )
            .text:105EEB3E 83 F8 11                                cmp     eax, 11h
            .text:105EEB41 0F 84 4C 15 00 00                       jz      loc_105F0093
            .text:105EEB47                         ; 260:                     if ( (*(int (__thiscall **)(float *))(*(_DWORD *)v2 + 1792))(v2) != 5
            .text:105EEB47                         ; 261:                       || (result = ((int (__thiscall *)(void ***))off_10D0B960[13])(&off_10D0B960)) != 0 )
            .text:105EEB47 8B 06                                   mov     eax, [esi]
            .text:105EEB49 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEB4B 8B 80 00 07 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+700h]
            .text:105EEB51 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB53 83 F8 05                                cmp     eax, 5
            .text:105EEB56 75 17                                   jnz     short loc_105EEB6F
            .text:105EEB58 A1 60 B9 D0 10                          mov     eax, off_10D0B960
            .text:105EEB5D B9 60 B9 D0 10                          mov     ecx, offset off_10D0B960
            .text:105EEB62 8B 40 34                                mov     eax, [eax+34h]
            .text:105EEB65 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB67 85 C0                                   test    eax, eax
            .text:105EEB69 0F 84 24 15 00 00                       jz      loc_105F0093
            .text:105EEB6F                         ; 263:                       (*((void (__thiscall **)(void **))*v4 + 328))(v4);
            .text:105EEB6F                         loc_105EEB6F:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_105EE840+316↑j
            .text:105EEB6F 8B 07                                   mov     eax, [edi]
            .text:105EEB71 8B CF                                   mov     ecx, edi
            .text:105EEB73 8B 80 20 05 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+520h]
            .text:105EEB79 FF D0                                   call    eax
            .text:105EEB7B                         ; 264:                       v11 = a2 * 0.0087266462;
            .text:105EEB7B D8 0D 9C D7 C2 10                       fmul    ds:dword_10C2D79C
            .text:105EEB81                         ; 266:                       (*(void (__thiscall **)(float *))(*(_DWORD *)v2 + 1904))(v2);
            .text:105EEB81 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
            .text:105EEB83 8B 06                                   mov     eax, [esi]
            .text:105EEB85 8B 80 70 07 00 00                       mov     eax, [eax+770h] <---------- this ( divided by 4 = vtable index)
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